Thursday, June 3, 2010

Getting Started

The past few days have seen me following Steve around in his work and ministry as I recover from jetlag and a cold and reenter the rhythm (circadian and otherwise) of Japanese life. Highlights include joining the Wednesday night prayer meeting (directly from the airport, luggage and all), sitting in on English classes, talking with students, and sharing my testimony during Bible studies. Sharing my testimony was something Steve sprang on me the morning of, as we were walking to the train station. My Japanese still feels pretty rusty, and I wasn't sure I had done a very good job, but something I said must have struck the Bible study leader, because she commented on it afterwards, and then the next asked me if I would share again for a different class. I shared about the sense of homelessness I feel as an American raised in Japan—whichever country I'm in, I feel like a gaijin, or foreigner. But in Jesus Christ I have found my true home and a sense of belonging.

Here are a few snapshots of life and ministry with Steve:

A quick trip to the local ramen shop was a top priority!

And no visit to Japan is complete without a trip to Mister Donuts. The flyer under my plate is advertising strawberry sherbet sauce on cold noodles. I defy you to find that at your local donut shop!!

Baseball and frisbee in the park with some of the youth from the church.

The one picture I wish I had is of something that happened as Steve and I were walking home from church last night. As we walked by a Shinto shrine on our way to the train station, two sumo wrestlers passed us on their bicycles, heading for the local convenience store (I'm not making this up!). The only thing that could make this scene more stereotypically Japanese is that Steve had just bought some manga (Japanese comics).


  1. no way!! sumo wrestlers on BICYCLES?! what were they wearing?

    glad your trip is getting under way, and going so well! envying your go-ru-don donut.

  2. That's a great (in a manner of speaking) image! :) You have a great way of noting these things.
