Sunday, August 22, 2010

Is my Halo Showing?

The last few weeks have pushed me into a world of board meetings, coffee shops, homeless shelters, sport coats, frisbees, commentaries, and Facebook. Life as a pastor--and particularly a college pastor--is so filled with otherwise utterly unconnectable elements, that at the end of the day I sometimes wonder if I've worn out my mental clutch from changing gears so rapidly. A typical day consists of an in-depth study of Hebrew poetry punctuated by interactions with people requesting financial assistance, staff meetings, and conversations with students about auto mechanics, recent movies, and their favorite preachers.

A few highlights of the job so far:
* A special budget for buying coffee with students
* Clergy parking spaces at the hospital (see picture above--and yes, I did go out of my way in the parking deck just so I could use one!)
* Getting to read Greek and Hebrew as part of my job
* Antics with my roommates