Since I left Okayama in 2004, the church there has bought property, built its own building, and begun operating without a permanent missionary. I am thrilled to finally see the fruits of the work that God has done there. It's a joy to know that I had a hand in this work, but an even greater joy to know that God has never needed me to do it. I can truly say, "I planted a seed, another watered it, but God made it grow!"
I will be visiting several friends who used to attend church with me but have since lost their interest in both church and God. While it was clear when I left that God was calling me back to the States for seminary, sometimes I can't help but wonder what would have happened if I had been able to stay a bit longer and encourage them more. The prospect of reconnecting with these friends stirs up very mixed feelings. I'm eager to share the gospel with them one more time. I feel intense sorrow at the way the cares of the world have choked their budding faith. And I have a strong sense of my own finitude--I simply can't be in both places. Again, I must place my trust in the only one who can make seeds grow.
Stay tuned for these and more adventures in the upcoming weeks. In the mean time, please be praying for my departure on Tuesday morning.